Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Power in the Storm

In the past couple years, our part of Virginia has become famous for microbursts...small but damaging storms that whip in with the speed of a tornado and wreak havoc on anything in their path.

During one the other day, we watched our back fence flap like a sheet caught by the wind.  We stood, helpless, praying that it would stay intact.  Blessedly, it is still standing...leaning, but standing.

We did, however, lose power.  That is pretty typical for us when we have a storm of any magnitude hit.  Our neighborhood tends to have it out sooner, longer, and more often than many of the neighborhoods in our county.  This time, it was out for only fifteen hours. 

It comes down to a sometimes-unreliable power grid in our part of the county.  New developments like ours were thrown up quickly and added to the power grid piecemeal in a short time, rather than in an organized, ongoing fashion.  Thus, taxing storms find the weak links and prey on them, causing us to be on the losing end...and without power.

I'm so glad God isn't like that!

I did not walk in an orderly fashion to Him.  I did not grow up in the church.  I came, broken and tired, haphazard in my knowledge and understanding.  But...He was, and is, there.  The ultimate source of power and strength.

Even now, when I have been walking with Him for years in my grid of life, I can get thrown into turmoil by the happenings around me.  But...His power is constant.  His love does not go out.  I can always come home to the Light of my life.

I heard once many years ago that an excellent picture of Jesus can be found by taking I Corinthians 13:4-8a and substituting Jesus for every instance of love.  Here is what we can, then, expect our Savior to be:

Jesus is patient
Jesus is kind
He does not envy,
He does not boast,
He is not proud.
He does not dishonor others,
He is not self-seeking,
He is not easily angered,
He keeps no record of wrongs.
Jesus does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 
He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Jesus never fails.

Now that is a Power Source that I can trust, no matter what the storms of life may bring!

Praise God!  Amen and amen!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. - Hebrews 13:8

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this uplifting post this morning. I've been on low power the past couple of days, feeling drained and depressed. Woke up this morning feeling better. Read a couple of things earlier that blessed me and now your post has blessed me even further.

    Thanks be to Jesus who is the source of strength and comfort in all that we need in this life's journey we are now on. Without Him I would be nothing.

    Have a lovely day ~ FlowerLady
