My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name.
It has been one of those days.
I woke up with a headache. I cried at the breakfast table because I felt unappreciated by my children. I cried on my walk because Keith was not here. He (usually) knew how to make me feel better when I was in one of these moods.
I walked along, tears flowing...whining to God (gotta be honest here).
I knew I was about to reach where Renee stands in the morning, waiting for the school bus with her charge. I met Renee walking but found out she attends the same Wednesday night service I do. I dried my tears and smiled.
"Good morning, Renee!"
"Hi, Liz. How are you this morning?"
"Fine, thanks! How about you?"
"Good, thanks."
"Great! Have a good day!"
And I walked a few more steps.
Then God spoke to me in my spirit. Nope. Own in. Go back. Tell her.
So, swallowing my pride, I broke stride from my walking and went back.
"Actually, that's not entirely true. I am having one of those mornings. Will you please pray for me?"
With a big hug, Renee said, "Bless your heart! Of course I will!"
And I walked on, feeling better. Provision!
I could now hear the birds singing. I even found a quarter...that will go in the missions box the boys and I are currently filling. I smiled at the others I normally see and speak to on my walk. My world had tilted back in the right direction.
My morning was just some of life's "light and momentary troubles" (2 Corinthians 4:17). They happen to us all. Jesus promised they would.
I am thankful for a God who is gracious enough to put people in my path (literally) for the times when I need them. And I am thankful that He knows I sometimes need that extra little push to take what He has so graciously given to me. Sometimes, it is just a matter of me looking beyond myself As I reflected on this, I could see many blessings in my life, things that had been hidden from me as my thoughts circled myself instead of the bigger picture.
At the end of my walk today, I ran into my sometimes-walking-buddie Carol. We greeted each other and she asked how I was. And I could honestly tell her that I am doing...OK.
Praise God!
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. -- John 16:33
Love you. Awesome. :)