One of Keith's favorite stories about me goes as follows:
I was home visiting my family. On the day I was leaving, Mom and I decided to go shopping. We got to the mall and as we got out of the car, I heard a telltale hissing sound from my right rear tire. After examination, we determined that the hissing was coming right from the tire stem.
My first reaction: I prayed. Surely God could handle this tire. Then, rather than go to a service station, I searched around in the stuff in my car and pulled out a roll of cellophane tape. I wrapped that cellophane tape around the tire stem and headed into the mall with Mom. Problem solved.
We then went on with our shopping trip, coming out every hour or so to check on the tire. It was holding fast; no hiss.
After we finished shopping, I took Mom back home, kissed her goodbye and hopped in my car. After another quick prayer, I was off on the 6-hour drive back to my apartment.
The first time I shared this story with Keith, he stared at me, open-mouthed, with that look that only a man can give a woman--that whatever-possessed-you-to-think-that-was-a-good-idea look. (By the way, I now sometimes see that look from our oldest man cub...outstanding.)
My response? What? I prayed.
For those of you in suspense, I did make it home without a hitch and never had a problem with that tire again.
And for me, that is the point.
God had it. I prayed and trusted, and He came through.
Now, do I recommend tape (of any sort) as a replacement for good car care? Not at all. Do I recommend putting the Lord on the spot to take care of our silly moves when we should have made a better choice? No way.
But, to me, this event was a precursor to how I need to live my life. Sometimes I gotta just pray and go.
I have had a lot of pray-and-go moments in this grief journey.
I do not always make the wisest choice. I do not always think things through as I should. But often my choice is this: be paralyzed by fear, to the detriment of everybody, or make a choice, pray, and go.
Because He has always, always, always been there, even in something small like tape on a tire, I have the courage to pray and go.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good
to those who love God, to those who are called according to His
purpose.-- Romans 8:28
Saturday, June 23, 2012
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What a poignant illustration of faith and God's amazing provision!