Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's a Cross?

Recently my dear friend Judi asked me if I felt losing Keith was my cross to bear.

Here is the long and short of my's not a cross, it's a blessing.

About 4 weeks after Keith died, a dear friend who is a fellow widow called the place we are in "a privilege."  Now, at this point in my journey, Keith had been gone just a bit of time and Christmas was around the corner.  I was not feeling privilege, I can tell you.

But I did remember; I did ponder those words.

For years.

I gotta be honest.  Some days stink.  It is really hard to be a single mom.  Some days, even now, I ache for Keith's arms around me.

But, yes, I believe it.  It is privilege.

Joy in the journey.

God is there.  At night.  When I have tough decisions to make.  Raising the boys.  When hard stuff happens.  When good stuff happens.  When I am hurt.  When I am happy.  When I am scared.  When I am confident.

The boys have learned things about the provision of God, the sovereignty of God, the love of God that Keith and I could not have taught them together.  They know that they know that they know.  They have seen and tasted that the Lord is good.

I have gotten to see God work in the lives of people simply because He gave me this great need and the foresight to let them in to help.

I have gotten to cry with others on this journey, knowing what they are feeling.  And also to laugh with them.

I have grown and changed...a butterfly out of a cocoon, able now to go different places than I could go before.

I know my Lord better...closer...dearer.

And that changes my whole perspective.

I have always thought of the cross as a place of pain and suffering, and it certainly was that. was also a place of joy because Christ knew that through it, the redemption of the world would happen.  He could see beyond the moments to the big picture.

I don't compare my suffering to that of Christ in any way, shape, or form.  That would be pure arrogance.

But the changes wrought in me...and I do mean wrought...have made a difference.  And in that I can glory.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.- Romans 8:18

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